Life can never dictate Love

This is a letter to you. You and I will never be. I have seen the light, well maybe not clearly, but I'm willing to move on! move on from you, from your tormenting memory and how I can't move on because in my head there's that thought if one day you and I actually talk and how everything is going to work out, how you and I are meant for each other, are soulmates, how when we speak to each other we will know, feel that electricity go diretly through our hearts how,wonderful it will be to actually get to know what your name is, what are you studying, how old you are, are you from this city, your favorite color. i want to learn every single detail about you and you would want to know every single little detail about me as well! we would instantly click the earth would shake, the whole universe would be aware that two soulmates have found each other. when our lips first touch, we would never would want to be apart from each other and no external force would be able to pull us apart no matter how hard they tried.After all what is meant to be can't be broken. After so many years of tormenting ourselves with wanting to introduce ourselves to each other but being to much of a scary cat to even look into each others eyes. to finally smile at your beautiful face, run my fingers through your hair, walk publicly with you!!!! holding hands, making it clear to the enire world that we are in LOVE! to be together for ever, to accept each other unconditionally!!! i WANT THIS!! i so do! i want it so muuch it hurts, but at last I have resigned my self that IT can't be.


So my heart tells you good bye. with tears running down my soul. i know its best to let this love that didn't had the chance to hatch go. i'm letting you slip out of my fingers, i'm setting my soul free. All these years have not been a waste because from the time that you entered my life I have loved the emtions that you created. Good bye, I will, from now on and forth, do anything and everything to keep you away, away from this broken heart that I have miseraly patched up. my heart wishes you the best, but you will no longer be tormenting me, i'm setting my self free as well.