From where I stand

Hey you,

Yes mirror,

yes me, I’m talking to you too

I saw the prettiest girl today and her eyes were kinda sorta blue

I think they were kind of greenish with a lightly sparkled hue

Running from my game to get a drink of water

Saw her from 20 steps away as i started to saunter

She was beautiful, like she can be an angel or model,

One or the other

Surprisingly…I didn’t stutter

I’ve never seen her before,where did she come from..oh how I wonder…

I stopped in my tracks

Do you need some help, I asked?

She gave said no as i seen her smile while her lips go asunder

I couldn’t help but smile back, and ask are you sure?..Trying not to feel like a bugger

Her lips pursed and back to reality as she thought “ oh brother”

Yes, I’m positive she replied

As I tried to keep her eyes

I walked away into the rest of the day

A few week laters.. in the lobby I wait

Coming down the halls, is the same beautiful girl I saw…

It was great...

Despite the fact that I didn’t get any play…

She still continued to walk my way…

She caught my eye and as my heart rise

She pursed her lips and told me Hi….

I smirked a confused at this actiong..I  didn’t reply…

She made a left and walked to the other side…

Another day in the life of mines…

Does she think I’m a player?

Does she think I’m ugly?

But alot of people call me handsome, layer upon layer

I used to play, but now Im honestly serious… and so bluntly

Even though everything isn’t what they seem…there is always a price..


Everything is a flirt when you’re real just trying to be nice…

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