A Lesson in English Literature 101

I have to go and have a smoke

I need another bong

I just want to have another game

I need to go to the toilet

avoid /Ə’vɔId/, v.t. 1. to keep away from; keep clear of; shun; evade: ~ a person/danger. 2. Law. to make void or of no effect; invalidate. [ME, from OF: empty out] – avoidance, n.avoidable, adj.

I just want to be by myself for a while

I just want to lay down for a while

I need to sleep for a while

I want to go for a drive

deceive  /dƏ’siv/, v.t., -ceived, -ceiving. 1. to mislead by a false appearance or statement; delude. 2. to be unfaithful to; commit adultery against. [ME, from OF, from L: catch, deceive]

I´m going to break it off

I´m just going out to socialise

I´m going to my friends house for a while

I´m not going to do that again

lie /laI/, n., v., lied, lying.n. 1. false statement made in order to deceive; untruth. 2. something that gives a false effect. 3. give the lie (to), a. to charge with telling a ~. b. to show to be false; belie. ◊v.i. 4. to speak falsely intending to deceive. 5. to give a false effect [OE lēogan]

I want to be with you

I don´t want to lose you

I won´t hurt you again

I really do love you

self-denial /sεlf-dƏ’naIƏl/, n. the giving up of one’s own desires; unselfishness – self-denying, adj.

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Katie M's picture

I like this one alot. I think it is really cool how you put the definitions of the words in there like that. It is different. I like your work. Keep writing because you are really good.

Jim Dodge's picture

I love the way you used the dictionary definitions to highlight the true meaning behind each stanza. Adds a layer of thought.