Flip the Hourglass (explicit)


© 08/12/00 Billy Boar

Life is merely a congregation of complex patterns. Decode and debug. Create and destroy. Use and abuse.

I take it all for granted. I take it whichever way it comes.

I take it cause I can. I take it cause it’s mine.

The puppeteer is indiscriminate.

Wealthy, poor, healthy sick.

We all slide up and down

It’s greasy swollen cock.

Possibility and ambiguity.

Inevitable consequence

Of fate, destiny

And consciousness.

Fuck me



em kcuF

.ssensuoicsnoc dnA

ynitsed ,etaf fO

ecneuqesnoc elbativenI

.ytiugibma dna ytilibissoP

.kcoc nellows ysaerg s’tI

nwod dna pu edils lla eW

.kcis yhtlaeh ,roop ,yhtlaeW

.etanimircsidni si reeteppup ehT

.enim s’ti esuac ti ekat I .nac I esuac ti ekat I

.semoc ti yaw revehcihw ti ekat I .detnarg rof lla ti ekat I

.esuba dna esU .yortsed dna etaerC

.gubed dna edoceD .snrettap xelpmoc fo noitagergnoc a ylerem si efiL

raoB ylliB 00/12/08 ©


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Boar / Boarster / Billy Boar(ster) - all variations of my nickname, originally dubbed by my sister back in 1991.

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kayspoems's picture

this was very cleverly written...love the form and the words are very powerful

Cindy Boucher's picture

It's nice to see a progressive form or two amoungst the constant freeverse of this site...very nice.