My Rose

As I awake daily I first thank the lord for allowing me to start each day a new, then I instantly think of my rose.

The rose is my flower of choice because it best represents the unique beauty that GOD took so much time creating me; inputting the special qualities he chose.

Through the years I have learned the importance of cherishing the little things like smelling my own flowers, in particular my unique rose.

That rose has silently struggled with all things mental, health and life in general yet still contiues to shine.

Comparing my  rose to others is simply a complete waste of time.

I remember countless years including restless nights chasing the gentlemen and loved ones that would mutually fully accept and appreciate my complicated rose!

But with time I have come to accept that what GOD has for me will eventually come if it is meant to be; in the mean time no rose is as important than the rose that internally comes from me!


By Bryant Mosley




Author's Notes/Comments: 

It is so important that we not only embrace and love our own unique qualities but that we self-sustain so as to now rely on others to validate nor appreciate our unique qualites and values. It has to be start and maintain with self first in order for the energy to be embraced and loved by others.

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