The Zodiacal Sign Leo

The Leo


July 23 to August 23

Key Word:


Associated deeply with the heart

The Leo is the fifth upon the chart

Of zodiacal signs and symbols bright

At Babylon they called him “The Great Light”.

To be the fulcrum in society

Is natural to him and is his  pride,

Nor will he shrink from notoriety,

As loyal, deft and generous socialite.

His kindliness is great, but Oh!- his ire

When challenged can be terrible,- for fire

Is glorious King Leo’s element

That with a roar demands acknowledgement.

Spontaneous, creative generous,

Of preconceptions radically free,

Concerned, absorbed with greatness and largess

And being focal point in majesty,

He may be tender,  merciful, we are told;-

Strong sinews twine around his heart of gold.

Majestic, dignified, - this king, - the Lion

As fierce-maned progeny, proud heir and scion .

Of the resplendent Sun-God Jupiter

He’ll roar with might to get his Lion’s Share .

His purring does bespeak contentedness;

But when annoyed, his roar is ominous;

Announces discontent,- so please beware;

Bow low, but do not go into his lair.

What pity! - little tells mythology

Of Leo’s exploits and ferocity.

Aesop alone presents us with a tale,

In which the Lion’s mercy did prevail

When he released  a little mouse with grace;-

The mouse,  in turn, released him from a brace

When he lay vanquished, shackled on the ground

With heavy rope and cruel fetters bound;-

Defeated, doom- consigned, beyond all hope,-

The mouse came nibbling, gnawing on the rope

Until it snapped at last  - What brave a deed!

The lion by the little mouse was freed.!

And Aesop adds onto his tale that since

This episode throughout the vast province

King Leo did proclaim a new decree

That granted mice perpetual amnesty.

The Lion’s eminence, - his high prestige-

Is grounded deeply in “Noblesse Oblige”!

His generosity is proverbial-

A host magnanimous and liberal;

But be respectful, - in all things defer-

Remember his due awe and  “ Lion’s Share”!

El  Haganah* wrote in his star-lit tower:

“The Lion  loves the SPLENDOR of his power;

While old  Uranus,- world-wise,- did admit

He only likes the EXERCISE of it;-.

POSSESSION  though of power’s pithy bone

Belongs to  stolid Capricorn alone”.

Yet, Leo’s image proudly oversees

Cathedral pulpits, temples, palaces,

As undisputed Lord and Sovereign

He rules as guardian his vast domain.

Should independence flout his royal sway-

Fear not! - King Leo gives no rights away.!

Artists portray him with so many a feature;

Such as a winged apocalyptic creature.

He is big cities' predicate and pride.

Who watches over them by day and night;

The promise of his influence is high

On planet earth and in the starry sky.

*El Haganah = Pseudonym for C.E.O. Carter

Astrologer and well-known writer on astrological subjects.

Best wishes to all Leos!

  © Elizabeth Dandy

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