Wicked Little Games You Play

You are such a beautiful girl,

I want to touch your face,

and caress your soul.

I want to go deeper than,

most will go,

find out those things,

others don’t know.

You meet my eyes and look away,

smile shy as your gaze does stray,

trembling lip, held between your teeth

as your eyes come up, our gazes meet.

Smiling green meet the deep, deep blue,

staring for a second that doesn’t pass,

drawn in by the hunger that greets you.

Slow smile that curves my lips,

enjoying that look upon your face,

fingertips, brushing as they pass,

shocking you with a spark,

blazing along those thoughts,

best suited, for two in the dark.

Light gleaming from your hair,

coursing down its silky length,

heartbeats begin to stretch,

as you push falling hair behind your ear,

the curve of your face,

the slope of your neck,

revealed, and oh so clear.

Softly scented, velvety skin,

smelling so deliciously feminine,

made for kisses or a trailing touch,

simple elegance, the way you move,

gets so hard, when I burn so much.

You don’t understand it yet,

you’ve caught my eye, turned my head,

my curiosity is stirred and my intrigue grown,

a flame burns now, without a name,

a catalyst so rarely found,

I will caress and tease your soul,

until you burn the same.

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