The Game Pt. 2 (Who Is the Fool?)

On the way home one sunday eve

The world a man did surely leave

On his way to the judgement seat

His future he began to conceive

He knew the truth about the gospel

He knew the truth about the Son

He knew the truth about salvation

He knew the truth of battles won

He knew of love and he knew of grace

He knew of the serpent crushed under His heal

But he knew not the Son one on one

And it suddenly became so real

"Father, God, forgive me!  Please, let me in!"

He shouted outside of heaven's gate

"I know you not, you are not my son,"

God's words rang loud, "you reprobate."

The man was suddenly shoved away

And he fell face first into the door

Of Hell's eternal suffering

To be without God evermore

As the door was closing he heard these words

"The truth will make you free,"

The closer of the door let out a chant

"No one comes to the Father, but by me."

Finally he understood

But he was to find that it was too late

For as he shouted "Christ, come back!"

He was alone behind Hell's soundproof gate.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The end for anyone who knows the truth and thinks that they can get by without it.  God can forgive sin, but only if you repent.  If you know how to repent and you refuse to do so, you're dancing on the outskirts of Hell.  If you don't know the truth, then please seak it, e mail me and I will help you know how you can avoid Hell and know God personaly, and place a foundation for a dwelling in Heaven.

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