Simple Thoughts

Thoughts race through my mind as I settle into bed;

Thoughts of the day that has just passed and thought of the day that lies ahead.

Thoughts for the marrow and how to avoid sorrow, thoughts of loan and what to borrow, never once thinking of worry and pain, for I know that my lord will repay me again.  Thoughts of the birds who have their home, and thoughts of flowers that well suit their plants, thoughts of the roof over my head and thoughts of my shirt, thoughts of my pants.  Thoughts of my freedoms and how little I need them, thoughts of how they may all disappear.  Thoughts of how I can get by without them, thoughts of my constant freedom from fear.  Thoughts of security in Christ alone, thoughts of my promise that lies ahead, thoughts of a mansion on a street of gold, these thoughts I think as I lie in bed.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I just 'thought' this one up while playing a writing game.  The spirit moved me into it.

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