So You're a Cunt?

Your grasp on me clicked for the last time.

I can't breath right.

My heart bursts.

Blood stains your hands of the deed your've done.

However, you are released.

No more.

I am released.

No more lies.

No more tip-toes.

I love you.

You cannot take that away from me.

It's something no one can capture, not even you.

I know you tried your hardest.

You are in deservance of a kind gesture.

Some might say.


No more.

No more of.

No more of this.


No more.

No more of.

No more of you.

I love you, dear.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

ALLLLLLLright....long time no type. but there are these two boys. one of whom i love and the other of whom is trying to make me not love him....that's that.

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Talisha Brittingham's picture

I love that I have to read & reread your poem to make sure I'm gettin the complete meaning. Awesome