Lost Chance


Blurred, all streaked

into one

Gasping, just wondering

where it all went to

Wait, I haven't

had my chance yet.

To do all the things

I wanted to.

Oh damn.

Can't go back.

Make up the time.

Drifting away,

One more procrastination

That's just the way

It's always been.

Lost so much

I can't have again.

Damn life,

Damn you,

For fucking me

Like you always do.

No more chances

To prove myself.

No more races

To the top of the hill.

No more of nothing

Because I lost my chance.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just thinking about the waste my summer was.

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Metiu's picture

This summer is done, and we worked to much
But just because summers over doesn't mean
we missed something.