I'm Me


I'm me

with a thousand faults

and I'd be bored without them


would leave nothing to improve upon

and that's what life is

making yourself a stronger soul

so I talk to much

maybe I think what I say

is important

I never said you had to listen though

I nag too much about my looks

and I never turn my eye from my reflection

in a passing window

I like vanity


I care strongly about people

and it's hard not knowing what to say

when I'm asked for advice

I don't mind

it's just that I've never had much experience

in all that stuff

maybe you find me because I'm untainted

with all that woe in love

I laugh too much

when it's not appropriate

but can I help it

when everytime I sneeze

you laugh

I feel sorry for myself

when it could be so much worse

I have all these things

I'm going to do

but I procrastinate

and I think it really bugs you

when I write a poem

I don't go back to fix it

because my flow of thought will be destroyed

with a new line of thinking

I drink

I don't know why

it's not because I feel I have to

need to even

sadly I think I'm just bored with everything

because reality bites

excuse my tongue

I swear too much

and I get in trouble for it

doesn't mean I've learned

I flirt

I don't care if you think I'm a slut

I'm not and it's all that matters

My friends are smarter than me

maybe I leech off of them too much

maybe they should just tell me

I care too much about my social life

to study

really sad


I'm just me

and I'll keep trying

but I don't want to be perfect

and slandered like those that assume to be

I have a thousand faults

but without them

what would there be

to improve upon

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Me...take it or leave it.

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Hope Survives's picture

Take it or leave it?
I'll take it.

Miranda Rae's picture

Michelle, "Perfect" and "normal" get boring real quick, don't you think? :) I like the self-knowledge you share in this piece; helps everyone get to know you a little bit, faults and all but aren't the faults the interesting part just as you say so well here. I also like the part about you not wanting to interrupt your train of thought by "fixing" your poems; some of the work I'm proudest of has come out of just sitting and writing whatever comes to mind about a particular subject, form and editing be damned.