Bliss Addict

Bliss Addict

Look at me.

Look my way.

Can’t you see?

Don’t turn away.

I love you.

Forever and always.

Totally through.

Even on the Shaded days.

But you look right through me.

I’m lost to your gaze.

I may be a hapless tragedy.

Living in a Romeo Haze.

But I won’t quit.

Not on this.

I’ve turned into an addict.

From the bliss.

That you emanate.

Washes away my thoughts.

Do I need to explicate?

You put my mind in knots.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

To a girl I want so badly

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SSmoothie's picture

sweet destruction! wonderful

sweet destruction! wonderful little write great mood to this... its a tiny bit off and that just makes it all the better because it happens just before you say you tie my mind in knots and it throws the reader for the lefty just as you explain why! top stuff! Cheers SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

RockofShades's picture

Thank you

Thank you very much SSmoothie