( He left me with a smile)

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♥◊ she claimed to be somewhere else. 

She knew a place a good place for me

my dad and sister looked after me and my mom was gone

to Europe to help my sister and brother

Hail Mary, Come with me

I was 9 year young

my Nanny was tough

My sister was quite

she helped sometimes

In a mountain in boarding school

in Mossouri, track, sport I

was a good student

My sister would leave me

to go to a night club and say things

lets give him some porridge to relax him

She was always silent while we did many

things, and my sister and brother in our apartment

also did many things

Our Staff was one black woman. 

Now I was tricked into marriage

by a Saudi Wanna be black/brown/Fair woman: she is Somali "maybe" Yemeni? too?

This Christian Conspiricay also has a

Muslim side: The two Churches and the Mosques

are the same

My picture and my children are people

that feel that a prisoner of my sister's

life or dream, a sister that was so sick

that my mom cried so much

so alone. in a dark american hole.

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