Broken glass

No more worries

no more comtemplation

blood pumping through my veins

such a rushing sensation

I forget all about life

'cause there's nothing to it

the thoughts in my mind

all seem fluid

Unicorns in the velvet shadows

angels whispering to me

for once I feel so happy

how can this be?

I look down my body

it's covered in red

what have I done,

am I really dead?

I look at the shattered glass

next to my silent body

it is like me

broken, cold and bloody

Life drifts out of me

it flashes before my eyes

I relive the anger, the pain

the hurt, the sorrow and the lies

I scream out your name

in the last seconds of this reality

so that I for one last time

can feel you close to me

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I've felt like crushing glass in my hand before and dying. I never wanted to scream out someone's name, though. Very descriptive, thought provoking, emotionally charging piece.