Don't say goodbye

My heart is beating heavily in my chest

I’m shaking all over, too afraid of loosing you too

sitting here completely helpless

without being able to comfort you

You are willing to give up on it all

and to let go of everything you know

but I still love you to death

and I’m not ready to let you go

I laugh with you when you laugh

and I cry with you when you cry

you just mean so much to me

so please don’t say goodbye

They say that time will heal all wounds

but I know for a fact that the scars will still remain

but before you do anything hasty

just know that my love for you will always stay the same

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otierney's picture

i love this, it's very relatable, i think everyone's gone through this at one time or other, and you did a fantastic job with making this both ambiguous and specific a the same time. Great job!


Naushin Sadozai's picture

its really kool.Well dont have words to say sumthing regarding touched my heart:)

fighter4life's picture

I love this poem, it shows so much emotion, you did a really good job of writing it.