Happy Christmas 2013

Wishing all the Ladies & Gentlemen, boys & girls on this magnetic site a very very Happy Christmas 2013 & Sparkling New Year 2014.I express my humblest heartfelt thanks to the people behind the funding and running of this site with their hard earned money & tireless efforts providing umpteen happy hours to wordstars all around the globe to share their words & interact with one another. Sometimes I truly feel that if it were not for PostPoems who would read my scribbles and even care to comment  ??!! Scores of talented poets & writers are around with the vast gamut of human explorations with expressive words some even with audio & video!! Let me take this snatched opportunity to reiterate my good wishes to all connected with this site. God bless.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

http://www.postpoems.org/authors/bern/prose/974402            Probably the youngest writer/poet on this site The Bernard Shaw

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cevance's picture

May the season bring you many

May the season bring you many cheers my friend.

bishu's picture

Merry Christmas 2013 Respected Friend of a far away land

Merry Christmas 2013 Respected Friend of a far away land
