
Your pp friend always is at sea.

who has faced  many  rough storms

He  oft clings onto his old rotty boat

No shore in sight one day he'll drown

No one will lay a wreath,none a crown

When me realizes this ageless truth

My face'll be happy nary a frown

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Entirely by touchofink & for touchofink a pp friend on this site....

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nightlight1220's picture

At least you will die knowing

At least you will die knowing you have sailed a "holy" vessel....haw haw!! 


If I were to know of all those forgotten,

All those who died as an unknown..left rotten,

If I were to know about exactly how many,

I think I'd be laying wreathes, but I'd run out of pennies.


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


bishu's picture

In mid-sea pennies are not needed R N Lite twelve n twenty

In mid-sea pennies are not needed R N Lite twelve n twenty.Yeah plenty of holes in mah "holy" vessel.Me spends half the day bailing out water & the remaining time I fish to eat and for words tah paste on the side of th grimy boat.Only goal is tah keep afloat.The sinkin sun'll has been laying wreaths for all those departed from their cages.Me n mah crappy writes....... No more bothering yas serene soul.~Yas~sailin~friend
