CumPassionately Yours

Acoustic sounds of melting hearts beating as one sway me

when sublimal thoughts of WHO enter my mind?

See it's the gentle way....

You touch me,

Your SMILE, your walk, your talk,

How your eyes glisten...makes me blind

The mere scent of YOU makes my insides melt

Could your presence be making me weak?

Determined to stay focused & not revealing I'm reaching my peak..

But as we hold each other tight,

I grasp your heartbeat and it feels so right

Each rhythm is a tune to my ears, so hard to hold back tears

Tears of joy and sensual pain is what I endure everytime our bodies connect

You see we are like "cosmic magnets" holding on forever more..

Juices flowing, screaming not to eject

Indulging every moment with pure ecstasy

Can our destiny be reality or is it just a fantasy?

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