I Swear It Was A Dog.

Bern's Prose.

I Swear It Was A Dog.




Not one of those small things bred for some of the Female Population, No this was a German Shepherd or for the more knowledgeable an Alsatian. One of the biggest dogs that I have ever seen. For exercise a whistle from me and this splendid animal was waiting to go, Myself I rode a motor-bicycle. I would often let the dog overtake me. Whipping its head high it would let out a bark as if telling me that he could outrun me any day.




Most people were afraid of this big boned animal and many gave it a wide berth. Some even said quite openly that an animal this size should be put down. Now why put down a healthy dog that had never once even growled at a a man woman or child. Give him a ball and I know that he will not look at a human being apart from his I will not say Owner no one owns and animal at leasts not in my eyes. You might be accepted by the dog especially if you are its feeder and water giver.




The small boy from next door is the Dog's special friend, I have watched the pair of them playing one of their special games. From the Dog comes that long tongue, one wipe of this tongue and the boys face is wet. The best game though is when the boy climbs on to the Dogs back at least twice around that full size Garden then the do will lay itself down with the boy cuddled up tight, I sometimes think that it is the boy that is protecting the Dog but that dog misses nothing. I would be very unwise to enter that garden without the boys Mother or Father being present.




I have seen this large dog running along the road between a group of smaller dogs. Not once did I see any aggression from any of the dogs large, small, all were mates I have often thought it is a pity that the human beings cannot get along like that pack of dogs. Most of the dogs needed a wash many needed a feed. Some had scars or open wounds yes they could fight but it seemed as if over the area where I lived Dogs were friendly or was it the huge Alsatian or the German Shepherd that kept them under control


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KindredSpirit's picture

Let's just say

Must Love Dogs .

I have had the Best.

bishu's picture

32nd read

Reader # 32 Enjoyed. Ashakori apni o Martha Boudi bhalo achhen. Amar nomoshkar neben. Bhalo thakben ~ indiarbondhu~
