Tales From The Woods.

Bern's Prose.

Tales from the Woods.


Stepping out from behind the old oak tree was the smallest man that I have ever seen. He smiled and greeted me with a Hello that I am sure the rest of the world must have heard. Taking off his green coloured hat, he spoke, “Welcome to the green woods, and Let me introduce myself I am the Master of all that surrounds us.” I stuttered a hello, how are you? I could not take my eyes of this small man claiming to be the Master of all that surrounded us.


He next surprised me by doing a somersault in the air. “Bet you cannot do a somersault as good as me. I decided to go along with him, standing on one leg I pulled a number of silly faces at him, Bet you cant make Funny faces like me, I said. Pulling from his pocket a small sack he said, “I have a sack of fresh acorns, I bet that I can make even funnier faces than you. Feeling in my pocket all I had was a small piece of Toffee. “I will bet my toffee against your sack of acorns,” I heard myself saying.


Then it started he pulled one funny face after the other. I encouraged him by laughing louder and louder. Suddenly we were surrounded by a group of Fairies. They too were laughing at the silly faces that the Master of all that surrounded us was pulling. I took my bar of Toffee and gave it to him. “You win”, were my words as I turned to go on my way. The Toffee he put into his mouth and started chewing. Toffee has the knack of sticking to ones mouth and soon the Master of all that surrounds us could not move his mouth at all. His teeth and gums were stuck together with the Toffee bar that he had pushed into his mouth.


Taking a stick he wrote on the ground. Please help me my mouth is stuck with that awful Toffee that you gave me. I cannot speak and I am very thirsty. Now I was at a loss, how could I help this little Master of all that surround us? Then the Fairies came to my help taking their magic wands from under their arms they pointed them at the little man. First nothing seemed to happen then the little master’s head started to grow and grow then it was easy for me to open his mouth and pull out piece by piece the wet sticky Toffee. Each piece of toffee that I threw to the ground a lovely flower grew, a flower something between a Tulip and a Daffodil. If you find such a flower don’t put it anywhere near to your mouth or it will grow back into a stick of toffee like the one I gave to the Master of all that surrounds us. You would not want that to happen for if you were greedy like the Master it would stick your mouth and teeth together and there might not be any Fairies around to help you.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Another idea, who knows perhaps a whole sery will come of it. Bern

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bishu's picture

Excellent read Respected Austromate !!

Master of all ..... Whopping launch of a new dimension Austromate
