Under the Bridge


The smell of flesh,

and grass,

diesel fumes,

and tears;

feeding strays,

losing way,

swallowing fears,

leaving all that you were

in a Coke bottle

by the railroad tracks,

and knowing that 

only twelve people 

had a clue.

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running_with_rabbits's picture

:) soul mating again I see,

:) soul mating again I see, my poem to come, it invloves docks and a hug and ring throgh the cracks and only three people knowing....

Much Love


Beavis's picture


Oh! I can't wait!

Beatnik1979's picture

well done

Excellent poetry.When so few words can mean so much, or create such vivid imagery, you have created an excellent poem, and this is a prime example of exactly that, excellent poetry. I have read several, in addition to this..and this stays true to your style. Very impressive  and thought provoking. Well done!

Beavis's picture

Thank you Sir!

I thought of this as one of those that was me yet wasn't me. some strange formula (I don't speak mathatical at all) just beyond my grasp ;-) it made sense to me, but could I explain it to another?