Missed Happiness

I miss your smile

I miss your face

I miss hearing your ambitions

And about the dreams you chased

I miss your laugh

I miss our talks

I miss our drives

I miss our walks

I know I'm self centered

And that I care much for myself

I know I don't care sometimes

And I know I need help

I understand now

You may not believe it

You may think it's an excuse

Just to get out of this shit

I know your sick of hearing sorrys

And your sick of apologies

Well this is my last one

I begging you, on my knees

I miss alot of things

I'm sorry I got you pissed

I guess when I was aiming for you happiness

I was the one who missed

Author's Notes/Comments: 

  I am apologizing one last time.  You should know now that I'm sorry.

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Ruby's picture

I love it and if you delete it I will kill you!

the Other/EB's picture

good poem