In With The Old

I'm back

To much rage to pretend

So here I am

Writing again

I need a way to let it out

So I'm back to the original

I need an old light

But a brand new visual

I need my old thoughts

But the same old brain

So I can stay crazy

But so I won't be insane

Theres a line in my mind

Recently I've crossed it

Theres important shit in my life

Recently I've lost it

So back to the old plan

Heres what I do

I make shit, you read it

Then I wait for you

I got something to wait for

Other then death

It's came so close lately

I thought it was next

I'm making another run on

Maybe I should stop

Now I got postpoems back

Now it's all that I've got

Author's Notes/Comments: 

  I've remembered recently that writing is a creative way for me to let out my anger,aggression,depression,sadness,and what other feeling I may experience in this life time...I got no other way to let it out now.

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whisper in the wind's picture

extremly good poem and i am glad to see u at it agan....

....just dont get hurt
whisper in the wind

Ruby's picture

*super duper Jill sad face*

the Other/EB's picture

I like it that you've started writing again, i think i might do the same