Best Weekend Ever!

It started off

With a kick ass Friday

Then I went to Alex's

But I would have liked it anyway

Next was Saturday

Me and Jon hung out

Then Raab called

So we we're off to his house

It was his birthday party

We hung with a dude named Fred,Haley,and Raab

But that was all the ppl at that point

Which was kind of sad

Jon backed into a tree

Smashing the Geon's tail light

Jon fraked out

Not wanting his dad to see the sight

I went bridge jumping

Bridge jumping sounded fun from hearing those sounds

But it was my first time

And I almost drowned

I saw Dane Cook's show live

He's the best comedian alive

And he has been

Ever since Mitch Hedberg died

Sunday was Kasi's party

A weird day where I got a kiss

Everyone got mad

then I got sick of being pissed

I had felt like shit

For the longest time

But this weekend made me feel

Like my life was finally mine

Author's Notes/Comments: 

  Yo...the best weekend Ever!-Don Vito  I had a kick ass weekend and wanted to share my fun.

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ValentineBuchannan's picture

Ohh the infamous... Kiss of

Ohh the infamous... Kiss of Noelle lol

More Human than Humans

The Other/EB's picture

sounds sweet

someone who is moving soon and waisting your time's picture

at least someone had a good weekend ...i persoanly think mine sucked...oh dont be to happy about noelle kissing you she will kiss aneyone ...but at least it made ur weekend better i guess well...bye