Paul Jones

Walking up town

Walking down town

Runnin to your house

Don't know where to go now

Walk from house to house

Just lookin for a home

Or maybe not a home

But just some place to go

Restricted to this place

Anger on my face

Sadness on yours

From to many slammed and locked doors

I can go from Emo

To something,to totally pissed

Beat the shit outta someone

Then cut my own wrist

I make shit up

Just to get you mad

Piss off your mom

But pissing off your dad

I don't know what I'm saying

Does anyone at all

I doubt it

Cuz its coming from the mind of Paul

A lonely fellow with no hopes or dreams

No great plans

For his future

Just evil scheams

So talk what you talk

Kill who you must

But don't even approch me

Without earning my trust

Author's Notes/Comments: 

  Not to proud of this one...

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Shannon P's picture

I <3 you paul jones!!! << 2 paul jones lol =) (is in good mood) feel better talk to you sometime bye!

The Other/EB's picture

"A lonely fellow with no hopes or dreams
No great plans
For his future
Just evil scheams"

people do no use the word "fellow" nearly enough, and it is such a cool word

another good poem, It's kind of depressing pesimistic but at the same time I like it

your nephews girlfriend's picture

i like it..i have ur trust right?im hopin i do...yah ur a complex person and many times ur thoughts make no least ur not blond that would make it ur an awsome person and i love ya like family ..evreyone has some down points but they also have good points....and ur no exeption...

The guy who writes the poems's picture

I love that Paul Jones guy! You could just get lost in those eyes forever. OMG he's hot! lol.