Enter My Mind

I'm not worth it

This I try to bare

No one listens

No one seems to care

They think for themselves

People are crazy

Some stand out

And I think there amazing

Some say they care

And I thank them for trying

But something tells me

That there all really lying

I just don't see it happening

No one to trust

No one tells the truth

From my veiw there all dis-honest

Some don't want to hear about themselves

Some cant get enough

Some may actually care

Some may give a fuck

I need someone quick

I'm running out of time

Someone who will leave theres

And enter my mind

Think how I do

And not lie about it

Not saying anyone has or hasn't

But just get up and try it

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Somebody think like I do please!!!  I'm sick of being the only one who looks at life like this.

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Abbie Porcello's picture

thats a good poem. it realistic too. i think like that too and pbviously a lot of other people do. see your not alone :)

Alyssa White's picture

Awesome poem, Paul.
Wow...yeah I guess at points we think a like. And everytime it just ends out a different way. I know how it feels Paul, always living in a world filled with lies, and so many fake smiles. You know I'm here for you.

Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

see.. she thinks lie you

Alexandra Reeves's picture

Paul...Your not alone.I don't think everything the way you do but I do most of the time.Thats why we agree on everything.I am like a Grim Reaper because of many things.A lot of people say I am and I think you are too.So we have many things in common

The Other/EB's picture

I love the poem, however I can't say that I think like you or that I know how you feel but I will agree that most of the people in the world are lying and pretending and if they thought like you then they wouldn't do that