
Inadequate minatory

portrayed in a flamboyant  pink light.

Un recognized love.

A life of loneliness and fear.

Never to be married

the little legal document said no.

Our children, or our supposed recruits, remain unborn.

What we feel is not real.

IT is a chemical imbalance in our brain.

Funny, that science has proved that,

that same imbalance is what makes our feelings real.

A book our convectors hold, to say who we are is wrong.

"An  abomination" it said.

Abomination: Extreme disgust or hatred.

Do you really think he said that?

When you fall in love, you cannot just get up and dust it off.

It's there to stain your heart and soak into your soul.

You have to understand.

WIth love, there are no choices, there is only fate.

(And if you except it), happiness.

Why don't people see that?

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Annie Sawyers's picture

Geeze I love this poem! I can definately relate

fighter4life's picture

I LOVE this poem, it is so completely true and I can definitely relate. It's unreal how many people still think that it is a choice and not a chemical imbalance.