"Not Just A Singer"

Simple tastes with a sophisticated style.

Diamonds, emeralds,  rubies.

You excepted them with a smile.

A legend of classic Hollywood

carmine lipstick and bleached teeth.

Beautiful from the high arch of your brow

To your tiny feet.

Maybe to tiny.

To petite,

A bottle labeled Benzedrine became your god.

An addiction injected itself in your body,

that only you were able to treat.

Soon the woman who one hearts all over the world,

Became the woman, that they all pitted.

To "overweight" back to "to thin"

Back to normal, and then spiritual again.

"A Star Was Born" June 10, 1922.

"The Clock" stopped June 22, 1969.

A rose called Judy Garland

and a legacy, she left behind.

A group of followers and

a rainbow in the sky.

"I could never get over that damned rainbow! So what!"

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stephanietagle's picture

I like how you described her. It brings passion and genuity to her life.

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

excellent tribute