These Are The Portals Of Evil


The body is the portal to which Evil uses to enter the Universe, our World, and our Lives. Evil could not exist without these three portals:

1. Speech
If all Man, Woman and Child said nothing harmful or misleading, conflict and war would not exist. There would still be differences but they would be resolved in favor for all Man, Woman and Child with words of wisdom and concern.
(Our emotions and feelings at the time make up the words that come out of our mouth. Knowing this you should know that while speaking in a destructive mind state you are about to say something harmful and destructive, and it would be wise at this moment to hold your tongue (harsh and demeaning words you can’t take back, should never be heard…be it directly to or spread by rumor). And no Man, Woman or Child should have the need to mislead or lie to another. To end lying we must look at what we lie for, into what we try to accomplish by lying? We lie to make ourselves look honest, we lie to make ourselves look responsible, we lie to gain acceptance, we lie to make ourselves look faithful, we lie to make ourselves look trust worthy, dependable, concerned and kind, we lie to eat well, we lie to live comfortable. We must acknowledge then teach our children and show our families and friends that people who live truly Godly don’t lie to have or be these things; they just do and are.)

2. Body Action
If a hand is not raised, a person is not struck.
If a sword is not waved, a person is not cut.
If a trigger is not pulled, a bullet can’t fly.
If a fire is not set, a home is not burned.  
If a button is not pushed, a missile is not launched.
(Our emotions and feelings at the time; sometimes trigger body reflexes that harms another person be it intent or involuntary, it is uncalled for, unacceptable and avoidable. No one is struck for no reason and out of nowhere; there is always either a difference of emotions, a difference of understanding, a difference in belief, a difference in culture, be it whatever the difference; lack of Love, Concern, Respect or Self-Control, there is no excuse to harm someone else. That is not the way of our Great Creator, God gave us this World to Love one another, to Create and Sing for one another, to Entertain and Invent for one another and to Share Joy with one another.  We are here to live for one another, but we live for self. We want to control everything, but we can’t control ourselves. We want to have it all, but we refuse to share. All problems have an answer that doesn’t involve violence and has a solution that is best for all involved, but it can only be seen through the eyes of truly Godly People, which every Man, Woman and Child should be.)

3. Sign Language
If no Man, Woman or Child made an obscene jester or smirk, no-one would feel intimidated, put down or beneath by another.
(As simple as a wave of a particular finger, the roll of your eyes, and the raise of one of your lips, intimidates and hits as hard as a punch in the face, but a truly Godly person see these actions as silly…as a view into that person’s lost soul and as a warning sign to an unwanted situation about to unfold.)

Controlling these portals doesn’t mean that bad things won’t happen, but it will mean that it didn’t happen because of a Man, Woman or Child, and that’s not Evil; that’s Life, something we all will come together to confront and resolve because of care for one another.

Mankind’s true Greatness is at the mercy of our uncontrolled selves.

Don’t be a portal to Evil. Do your part to live true Life, the way our Great Creator intended.
Control yourself...control Evil’s portals.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"If we all really wanted change, there would be change." Qoute by Anthony BamBam!! Thomas

It takes more than flour to make a cake.

Please add comments to complete this piece of cake for the World.

It takes us all.

nightlight1220's picture

The body is the portal to

The body is the portal to which Evil uses to enter the Universe, our World, and our Lives. Evil could not exist without these three portals:

Don’t be a portal to Evil. Do your part to live true Life, the way our Great Creator intended.
Control yourself...control Evil’s portals.

It's difficult to see what you are trying to get across because the beginning and the ending contradict each other. If you think your body is a portal to evil, how can you not be a portal to evil if you have a body. The only way would be to rid yourself of your die.
I think your writing is fantastic, but just wasn't thought out well. My own belief is that our bodies were made to reflect the beauty of all existence, and when we are closest to the magnificence of the all that exists, our eyes see everything with the eyes of love/god/christconsciousness/goodness, whatever 'label' you choose to give the power that placed us all here, we see beauty in all things and the existence of 'evil' diminishes. However, the laws of nature demand for opposites, and hence evil does and always will exist in some form, in my own opinion. The issue I see that man has, is that man tries to use this duality of opposites not for balance, but for his own vision, which is not aligned with the vision of the universe's delicate balance. We are spoiled by our own doing, and while we blame each other for being "religious extremists", we ignore that inside of us, there is no balance to support the life meant for us to live here.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


BamBam's picture


evil will always be but it doesnt has to be unleashed...just becuas a bill collector is at the door it doesnt mean that you have to open it he cant get in unless you let him. no one is pure of one...but its the truly Godly person that reconizes and prevents him or herslef  from harming or doing anythin less than Godly to another God creation you dont have to die to be a good just have to know when you actions or words are about to hurt  some one else. its not hard but most people are scared of the conept of Being Godly...and the reason why is because of all  the rules and traditions you have to pass to be called and respected as a man of God ... which were by made man, for a certent man to allow other man the right to rule, kill, rape and inslave many men, all in the name of God. that why God's name is on the worst thing in the world money so it will be excepted and not allwoud in the place where he should be in the schools and goverment where it would make a difference and real postitive influence on the world. a truley Godly person is hard to find, one whose out spreading the word for good and good only... i still get upstet, and people still try to to get on my bad side, but im able to not say or do certant things to make things worse but still proving my piont with out these hands flying...this was cool 

spread the word let put this cake in the oven

i like where you you head is..our eyes see everything with the eyes of love/god/goodness, we see beauty in all things. 


nightlight1220's picture

I wouldn't know because I

I wouldn't know because I don't have any of those problems... but yea, I can understand that many do. I don't usually say what I would/could/ or what anyone else 'should' do. We are all unique and different beings. Blessings.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "