Ring not happy

Translated from Arabic

Ring not happy

The ring is assigned luck

Oh, and the following

I spent the finger

What the best road trips

Remote does not work for something

What if I forget the most effective imaginary

And enjoy the magic of the minimum

But prisons closer Azmi

Ah .. How my heart Itodja

Had put a gold chain

My uncle said you do not grieve

Wish to refer to the past

You are only from the soil

Sagtk fire protected

Then who was breastfed diamonds

To decorate the hands of human

I would have buried

Did not know of liberty

Her lips were cynically

Oh and if you hear the ring

الْخَاتَمُ الْمُنْزَعِجُ

بَاتَ الخَاتَمُ يَنْدُبُ حَظَّهْ

آه يا وَيْلِي

عُمْري أَقْضِيهِ في أُصْبَعْ

مَا أَحْلَى رَحَلاَتِ البَرِّ

أَنْأَى عَنْ شيءٍ لا يَنْفَعْ

مَا أَجْدَىَ لَوْ أَنْسَى هَمِّي

وَبِسِحْرِ الدُّنْيَا أَتَمَتَّعْ

لَكِنّ سجني أوْثَق عَزْمي

آهٍ.. كَمْ قَلبي يتوجعْ

طَلَّتْ سِلْسِلةٌ ذَهبيَّة

قَالَتْ يا عَمِّي لا تَحزَنْ

لَيْتَكَ لِلْمَاضِي تَرْجِعْ

ما أنْتَ إلاَّ مِنْ تُربَه

صَاغَتْكَ نَارٌ مَحْمِيَّه

ثُمَّ رُضِّعْتَ بالمَاسِ

لِتُزَيِّنَ أيْدي بَشَرِيَّه

لَولاَهَا مَا زلتَ دَفِيناً

لم تَعْرِفْ شَمْسَ الحُرِيَّه

ضَمَّتْ شَفَتَيْهَا بِسُخْرِيَه

آهٍ يا خَاتَمُ لَوْ تَسْمَعْ

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