Lonely Child

Never taking me seriously

And I've always wondered why

Tossing me away carelessly

And leave me there to die

Ignoring my very existance

And robbing me of my chance

I'm a young woman and yet you look

At me as if I was still a child

Weak, defenseless and took

Me as nothing as I riled

I'm sick of no one hearing me cry

And no one to wipe my eyes dry

I'm trapped in my aging body

For I am still a child inside

So lonely and I am so oddly

Alone and again this child cannot hide

She is me as I am her

And I know even if she's just a blur

I let her come out and play

Yet people ignore her cries for help

And made me think why would they

Listen to me? Why would they help?

Even the child in me calls out

And she continues on in my mind's cold doubt


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