She watched as her friends walked away,

Somehow, she couldn’t make them stay.

Was it the fact that she wouldn’t let them in?

Or was it because she doesn’t know where she’s been?

Inside she died a little, watching her good friend and the boy she thought she knew,

It was probably the fact that they were dating that was making her so blue.

Her friend was skinnier, prettier, funnier, and much more than her.

Everything there was between her and him was such a blur.

The family she hates to call her own,

The hateful words that were thrown just wouldn’t leave her alone.

And the fact that they were so embarrassing and mean,

It was so hard on her, especially for a teen.

Her life was crashing down,

And all she could do was frown.

But as she wiped her tears on her shirt,

She finally realized she was HURT.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this to place a girl and her life. I used to feel that way, and I hope none of you do.

WordSmith1's picture

raw emotion

Even if your username is avoid thanks,hopefully you dont mind compliments.I think I found this poem more moving than your voices poem which was more criptic.This poem on the other hand is blatant and clear.Such raw emotions and hurt came through your words.Hopefully you dont feel that way anymore.You survived.