For Peter

Peter has asked me to speak to you all this evening as I articulate well and put plainly Peter mumbles

On this day, Valentines Day my dear Brother would like to wish you every success in your pursuit of Love and contentment


If Peter were a painter he would paint for you all a setting sun and a romantic summer skyline

If Peter were a sculptor he would craft for you all a crown of roses with fragrance sweet and colours in abundance

If Peter were a singer he would croon for you all a smooth song of stirring passion and lustful relaxation

And if Peter were a musician he would serenade you all with the classical and distinguished sounds of Harps and Violins

However, Good friends, of all the artistic and romantic occupations that my dear brother had at his disposal

Peter became an Accountant.

But all is not lost

For an Accountant believes in the Power of three  

The Power of Love

The Power of Death and

The Power of Taxes

On the Power of death…Peter says…May you all live long and healthy lives and achieve all your aspirations before you pass

On the Power of Taxes…Peter says… May you all pay your fair share and not a penny more

And On the Power of  Love…Peter says… Will you marry me Pam?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

What an honour to be asked by my brother to propose to his girlfriend on Valentines Day 2004

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