Why do we need a guardian angel?

Each of us knows the words of the prayer “My angel, my protector, always be with me.” Who do we call guardian angel? How can you communicate with him? We all know the Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, we ask for Haniel’s help with love and we use Zadkiel’s support for spiritual transformation. We speak directly to the angelic beings with their problems, their dreams and their expectations. In short, we “disrupt” the senior officers. But we can also contact your personal guardian angel.

The name can come in a dream or in the form of inscriptions on the wall. Or suddenly, a strange name will appear in your head, which you have never heard of. The answer is fast and unexpected, without unnecessary manipulation on our part. Because every expectation, doubt or impatience blocks his arrival.

Angels are often in the form of their characters, to which they are associated, they appear in the color or element with which they work. For example, Nathaniel looks like an ember, Michael has a blue glow, and Haniel has a beautiful tender bell. It all depends on your perception and your willingness to meet the guardian angel directly.

But to facilitate your search, you can get Free Angel Reading.

But it’s worth knowing how your guardian angel speaks to you.

One way to convey information is the same numbers. You probably noticed them, but how not to notice them, they are striking. The number of the car in front of you or the office number, the page, the ticket. All this can contain three or four identical numbers.

for example

The number 202  says about the acquisition by you of the firmament which is the understanding of the essence of Proserpina. Aware of the importance of psychic energy which serves as the perception of energy by the senses. Just because we are taught to perceive this energy incorrectly, it is not absorbed by us in the physical body and destroys it. Realizing the concept of Proserpine, which is the flow of this energy is directed in your direction for your development.

The number 1133, the hidden karma of this number is very strong and therefore you are given a teacher to walk this path. Only with a teacher can you harmonize the situation that arises from your karma. You must be aware on a spiritual level that you have created it and it has returned to you. Therefore, you need to come to terms with all manifestations of evil and not resist them.

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