
Let the clouds roll,

Let the rain fall.

Let the sun blister,

Let the sky even fall...

Today I am blessed,

From the Creator,

From my Friends,

From even myself.

I've been alive exactly 37 years,

Praise God!

My friends love me,

Through THICK AND THIN, because the KNOW me!

And I continue to grow,

Facing things I never thought I could endure,

Recieving the best love from myself.

I conquered fear,

I found hope,

I have life to live....


Today is not a day to weep,

It is one of celebration.

I have not just survived,

Satanic sexual abuse,

Being raped,

A MIA father,

(Who never had to get lost in a war,

But came home to do that.)

Being Disabled,

I have risen above these,

SURVIVING, everyone does...

Learning to LIVE takes learning a talent.

Today is my birthday.

Even though few have taken the time to understand,

Why my Birthdays are important to me,

This too is okay,

When their lives get too busy to give a birthday wish.


My Father in Heaven,

Kissed me with the dawn of a new day.

No guarantee was given I'd be here.

Through all my past suffering,

I came close to killing myself,

Several times over.

So you see,

The best Birthday gift I have,

Is myself.

The one who gave me the best Birthday Wish,


So when no one has the time,

I share my Birthday cake

With the ducks in the park.

I dance to the wind in the trees.

I listen to the squirrels chatter.

I curl up with my beasties,

     My four legged companions.

I name a new star.

I buy new wonderful smelling soap,

     And take a bubble bath.

I do NOT

     Listen to the vulgarities thrown at me in insult,

     When I drive, or walk down the street.

I remember,

I am a Child of God,

I am not perfect, but am loved irreguardless.

I remember my Mother whom shared my first Birthday.

I concentrate on the positive.

Because I am worth,

All the joy and love,

That can ever be showered upon me.

I am a many splendid thing in the eyes of my Father.

He remembers my day.

When I least expect it,

He puts into my path,

Something special,

For just this day...

Something I need to see.

It's like hunting for Easter Eggs,

And dining with the Jesus at the last supper.

He created me to love, live and laugh.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Who cares if one has to make their own cake--at least you get what you want.  And I don't like icing, so I'll get it right. LOL!

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