Catalogued ignorance



Big words and metaphors creep into your brain at night while you dream of the curves of my body
You've no idea what they mean, or how to understand them, but they make you want to dig deeper
Dig deeper and deeper until the notch in your bedpost becomes a notch in your heart
And they confuse you because you aren't apt; you've no clue how to please
Yet there you are full of abhorrence, and still you long for my cadaver
Stuck between my acumen and my federation, not sure where you stand in things
With big words and soft metaphors confusing your well-educated mind to swell like a blimp


Author's Notes/Comments: 

" turn off the lights and turn off the shyness, all of our moves make up for the silence, and oh the way your makeup stains my pillowcase, like I'll never be the same" Fall Out Boy

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Nicole.J.Burgess's picture

"Yet there you are full of abhorrence, and still you long for my cadaver"
"Dig deeper and deeper until the notch in your bedpost becomes a notch in your heart"
also amazing
whats going on with you man, your like hot and cold, one poem is blowing me away, the next ...nothing. focous woman!!!!you are sooooo good.
