"That Night In The Tower"

For All My Exes

A lot has progressed since that night in the tower,

The battle's begun, we've reached the hour

When sides have been taken and lines have been drawn,

And I'll have this settled by breaking of dawn.

So pick up your sword and again pierce my heart;

I know that's what you planned right from the start.

Believing and honest was but a disguise,

And now it's discarded, I see all the lies.

And now here we are, face to face once again,

But no matter the damage I know I can win.

So tear me to pieces, hurt me once more;

I'll come out stronger than I was before.

I want all you can dish, give me your best.

You've damaged my soul, so try for the rest.

Yet with each dagger, my heart grows stronger,

And I refuse to give in and lose any longer.

Yes, a lot has progressed since that night in the tower,

The battle has ended, we've reached the hour

When sides have been taken, lines have been drawn,

And I fought this battle, and know what? I won.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Matt S.

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Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

DAMN! I love it! It's awesome! Really... I do love it alot. I mean its like lovers fight to the end.. kinda like one I'm in the middle of trying to write... it's awesome...

Gwen Samuels's picture

Hey once again. this is definatley a good poem too. the whole battle scene idea is pretty spiffy. hehehe i like it