
For All My Exes

Remember that night?

Our hearts beat as one,

A battle began in our souls.

Attached to another,

Yet falling for you,

My heart spun out of control.

Remember that place?

Only us and the stars,

Only inches away from a kiss.

Never did I dream

I'd succumb to a love

Off-limits, forbidden as this.

Remember that time?

I know that you do,

Even though it fled so fast.

It seemed to stretch on

But before we knew it,

That night had become the past.

Remember forever,

Even though it's gone,

That fleeting moment of

The night we lay gazing

Up at the stars,

And we were in love.

I remember that night,

And when I revisit

The place of our doomed affair,

I still hear our laughter,

I still see your smile,

I still see the two of us there.

Remember that night,

Remember that place,

And never forget that time of

When we shared our secrets

And we both discovered

The haunting forces of love.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Brandon W.

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This poem is amazing. The words are compressed into the essence of universal emotion.
These two lines say it all.
"That night had become the past."
"The haunting forces of love."
I think it is amazing that any of us ever find a mated heart.

"One of the best results of life, is the torment of love"

Dylan Eliot