Inner Child

Other stuff

Symphonies play inside my head

It’s never quiet in there

And she dances

The inner child I kept telling my therapist was dead

She’s dancing

She’s alive

Never was her spirit crushed

Never did you touch her

She laughs- giggles even at the shapes the clouds are making

This little girl

Ever my companion

She is not some dissociative state

She is me- pure without blemish

Without abuse hate fear

She is me full of life love hope

She had been quiet sleeping for many years

I recently woke her up

See I tripped over her sleeping form deep in the recesses of my mind

“I thought you were dead…” I said

“I’ve only begun to live” she replied as she got up

She then put on a piece of classical music and pranced about

“Be to yourself the mother, the father you always needed” she told me

She then painted her room there inside my mind

Purple pink gold and turquoise with just her fingers

A few days later I was feeling unbelievably depressed

And ending it all entered my mind

But, I’ve only begun to live

And I choose to live now like that girl

Free of abuse hate and fear

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Feb 5 2009

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