patient agony

A hovering hand-

stringing feelings up from my belly. 

The shut of my eyes-

Suppressing touches from memories. 

Scratches of visions-

Condemnations slipping off sweaty hands,

Suffocating my questions with shame.

My lungs intake with fever-

Breaths caught so tightly to my ribs as they

anticipate the helplessness.

An inch down, 

and I would be a child again-

sneaking glances at his hand slipping into my waist.

A hand placed on my stomach-

Consciousness caught back.

A thumb across my jaw,

And his touch is back on my stuck out collarbone-

Trailing my shallow shoulder blades.

Blessed be my existence in this world-

Caught between slices on my wrist and 

Sensations clawing at my belly.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

A first attempt (draft)  



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S74rw4rd's picture

If this is a first draft, it

If this is a first draft, it is light years beyond what most first drafts are like.  Wow!  I wish my first drafts were as well polished and as verbally successful.


arielle's picture

I appreciate your thoughts!

I appreciate your thoughts! This poem was in pieces here and there for years. I think there will be more versions as I add to it. 
