
That which binds contentment true

Hast placed itself beyond thy ruse

Confined its truths within thy lies

And deepened more the frozen nights

Body, soul, mind, and heart

With these I did completely part

Otherwise, my life would be

Known by thee...shamefully

And now with burning wrath inspired

By thy feat...thy sole desire

My palms doth grasp thy lasting breath

Until no more thy soul's repressed

Gazing lowly upon thy shell

My liquid guilt fares thee well

As I lay thee solemnly

Unto thy never-ending sleep...

Haltingly, my heart does fade

Into the pools of subtle grey

which art thine eyes; regretfully,

Forever still, love shall be

Author's Notes/Comments: 

A husband realizes that his wife has cheated on him, so, in a fit of rage, strangles her. Then, reality hits and he weeps as he buries her and reflects on their broken love...

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Sean Liu's picture

I think this poem is beautiful. You've managed to describe something that usually can't be described in words. I love this.


rachum's picture

It amazes me how you can take something so horrible and morbid and write it so artistically and beautifully.

bluestar's picture

impressive, most impressive, but you are not shakespeare yet. lol, just kidding, cuz. good use of words. i bet you give the english proffesors at southwest a headache.

Q Amidala's picture

I am very impressed. Who would have known that the goofy ninth grader I met years ago could write something as grand as this. I think all of us really under-estimate you sometimes.

Jillian Camtasia Carver's picture

Dale... it's beautiful ... I love it and understood it so well. Betrayal does hurt us... Alot .. adn I lvoe you Dale... I would never betray you ..

branbran's picture

You have the gift other's think I have. You have a wonderful way with words, and your use of 'old' words is simply magnificent. It is a truly deep poem, and one I assume you have no felt. A creative mind with a creative tongue make for a very interesting combination...

William Bruce Howell, III's picture

Betrayal, is one of the worst things anyone can expierence. Is it not interesting how love can make us do crazy things?

Sophie Andrews's picture

Wow. Just... wow. I love this poem, I think it's *extremely* well written, and the language is superb.