The Question

A child is walking along a beach with a young lady. Neither have on clothes for they have no need for them. As they walk the child asks,"Where does the sea end?" and his friend answers,"It ends beyond where we can view, if even there." Farther along he asks,"How many stars and how many worlds are out there?" pointing toward the sky. "There are as many stars in the sky as there are drops of water in the sea." As they continue, they're steps the only thing maring the sand, he pauses and then she stops noticing the look of consern and question on his face and waited. He had walked to the edge of the water and scooped up a handful of it and was counting the drops. After his hands were empty he asked,"How long is an eternity?" At this his friend who had so readily suplied the other answers paused to think then, slowly, she walked over to him."That is a good question. The meaning of life may have an easier answer."she took a breath,"The time between hearbeats is an eternity yet the time it would take you to count all the drops of water in all the seas on all the planets in all the galaxies is but a second of an eternity." and with that they walked onward. He then asked,"What is the meaning of life?" she turned, winked, smiled, then nodded"That is the meaning of life, interprit it as you will and that will be your answer... I said it would be easier to answer not easier to understand."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Something i thought would be a nice change from the norm

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