Of dog and man

In the beginning, man was friends with all the animals in nature, and they shared their meals, played and foraged together. Foxes, bears, cats, dogs, raccoons and all the other animals encounter at the big house in the middle of the forest, where every night a giant bonfire was built and everyone sat around and told stories to the others; many boastful tales were shared and many laughs were had around that big cozy bonfire. Since there were so many animals to help man, many stayed at the meeting place and helped with the daily chores, while others helped man bring in the meals for the day. The bear was especially good at finding the berries; with his big nose he could always find the plumpest, juiciest berries in the forest. The fox was very jealous, and told the raccoon “We should sneak out at dawn to find the best berries, that way the bear won’t get all the credit.” The raccoon, being the best animal at sneaking, agreed and they were on their way. The cat, which always stayed the whole night awake looking for his favorite plants, noticed something was amiss when he arrived at the house: “Where are the fox and the raccoon? It was their turn to tend the fire.” The big bonfire had started building up, and was about to reach the ceiling and start burning the house. The cat, being always a bit selfish, decided to escape without telling anyone that no one was caring for the fire. Once the fire started consuming the ceiling, the dog woke up with an alarmed bark: “Smells like burning, smells like a fire! Wake up!”. Suddenly all the man that stayed in the house where trying to put out the fire with everything they could, blankets, soil and other materials that the few animals that stayed brought. As the fire ended consuming most of the house, and a lot of its habitants were injured badly by the fire, in came the fox and the raccoon asking “Why did the fire grew up that much? Wasn't someone supposed to be watching over:” All the animals and man around the consumed ashes of the burning bonfire, saw them with a sad and disappointed look, until the dog said “ weren't you supposed to be the ones watching over night today?”. They both didn't knew what to answer and decided to exile to the deep forest without any companion. When the chaos subsided, everybody thanked the dog because if it wasn't for his notice, something bad could've happened, which is why is said that dog is a man’s  best friend.

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