
Yea, thou cometh before me once too oft’.

For I am charged to cast thee in Bridewell.

Thy audience pleases with voice so soft;

Shall I divide the child to make all well?

Lest thou enamor me I have no choice,

'Tis not I but my throne has been defiled.

Whereby thy pleas cometh in soften voice,

And black begets white as mouths spew wild.

Thy ‘sblood in kine hast bid me prevalence;

The road to hell, paved with good intentions.

To wit; thou hast spake thy benevolence.

You seek the grace of my interventions,

Yet umbrage admits  to Gods’ lower world.

I shall thole thy thistles with love unfurled.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

English Sonnet

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