Oil & Gas vs. Rubles

A New View


Watches? Russia confiscates million dollar watches because high end Swiss jeweler ceases operations insde Russis. When I said "we watch" I did not mean economically. Next Putin move, with back in corner, nationalize any company attempting to shut down in Russia.

Last time I heard of nationalizing businesses was when Castro took Cuba from usa investors. That did  not turn out so well for Cuba - embargo is first cousin go economic sanctions, huh? Suffering is the long term outcome. Russian boat people could result. Brain drain is such an ugly word for defacto dictators. 

Next to Biden call to "Change Russian regime",  that Vlad took extremely personal, watches and capital and flatlining rubles seems a bit inequitable. One thing is certain, the world order is short a player. There are calls to push Russia out of international, well, everything but gas and oul exchanges with the "WEST". 


Meanwhile, Turkey is cleaning out land mines off its shores.  The pot thickens.


Lady A


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