Price Of Summer Vegetables

A New View


avoiding grocers today. no sticker shock allowed on birthdays. biden and putin spat while meat prices soar. I miss meat. so, fire, famine, and floods hit corporate farmers out west, lettus has lessened, check idaho for carb output. prices will be prohibitive for really bad-poor. time to plan vacation not taken in two years.


canada not happy with usa over trucks and covid tests, definitely not haiti. avoid volcanos and sink holes. add war zones to the list, africa last to be vaccinated because there is no more racism on earth. Avoid tsunami prone islands. best stay inside usa - Disney for the 8th time perhaps. Vegas is still lit up if power grid from dams stay electrified. Home state or neighbor if live near colorado river. Niagra is still falling. district of columbia - tourist meet protest posters on the mall.  


home sucks, comphy, clean, safe, but the pretty decorated walls and rooms are condensing and out is mandatory. ubers have run of the world's best rest stops. a wild rumor, totally unproven: texas and florida may close their borders and african americans have decided not to vote in mid term election or two years after. take that alt right. go trump 24.


I know, weird right. Post traumatic disemfranchised disorder (ptdd). it could happen!


Lady A


Author's Notes/Comments: 

the world may shake us off like biting fleas. Inflation spreads around earth faster than Covid-Delta. Buckle up.

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