English For Poets 010 - Metric Feet

English For Poets




Disyllables (2 syllables)


  • Iamb. This type of metric foot consists of two syllables. The first will be unstressed and the second will be stressed. This is the structure of 
  • iamb: _ ^
  • Pyrrhus: The pyrrhic metrical foot is composed by two syllables that are not stressed. Its structure is: _ _
  • Trochee or choreus: This disyllable metric foot has the first syllable stressed and the second unstressed: ^ _
  • Spondee: The last of the disyllabic metric foot consists of two stressed syllables: ^ ^


Trisyllables (3 syllables)


  • Tribrach: Words or units consisting of three syllables that are not stressed. Its structure is: _ _ _
  • Dactyl: Type of metric foot that has the first syllable stressed and the two following unstressed: ^_ _
  • Amphibrach: This metric food consists of the first and last syllable unstressed and the second and middle syllable stressed: _ ^_
  • Anapest: Also known as antidactylus, is is the contrary of the dactyl metric foot, as it is only the last syllable that is stressed: _ _^
  • Bacchius: The bacchius has the last two syllables stressed and the first unstressed: _ ^^
  • Cretic: Also known as amphimacer, this has the first and last stressed syllables: ^ _ ^
  • Antibacchuius: This metric foot has the first two syllables stressed, whereas the last is unstressed: ^ ^ _
  • Molossus: In this metric foot, all of the syllables are stressed: ^^^ 
Tetrasyllables (4 syllables)


  • Tetrabrach: Also known as proceleusmatic, this metric foot has none of its syllables stressed: _ _ _ _
  • Primus paeon: As its Latin name suggests, primus paeon has the first syllable out of four stressed: ^_ _ _
  • Secundus paeon: This type of metric foot only stressed the second syllable, the rest are unstressed: _ ^ _ _
  • Tetrius paeon: In this case, the third syllable is the only stressed syllable: _ _ ^_
  • Quartus paeon: Yes, you've guessed it, only the last syllable out of the four is stressed: _ _ _ ^
  • Major ionic: Also known as double iamb, the two firs syllables are stressed whereas the last two are unstressed: ^^_ _
  • Minor ionic: This is the contrary of the above, as it is the last two syllables that are stressed: _ _ ^^
  • Ditrochee: In this case, alternate syllables are stressed, the first and third syllables to be more precise: ^_ ^_
  • Diiamb: This metric foot copies the iamb structure, with the second and fourth syllables stressed: _^_^
  • Choriamb: In this case, the first and last syllables are stressed, whereas the second and third aren't: ^_ _^
  • Antispast: This type of metric foot consists of the two middle syllables stressed, whereas the first and last are unstressed: _^^_
  • First epitrite: The three last syllables are stressed, and the only syllable that is unstressed is the first: _^^^
  • Second epitrite: The only syllable that is unstressed is the second in this metric meter: ^_ ^^
  • Third epitrite: As the name suggests, the third syllable is the only that is unstressed: ^^_^
  • Fourth epitrite: In this metic foot, the last and fourth syllable is the one that is unstressed: ^^^_
  • Dispondee: Last but not least, the dispondee has all of its four syllables stressed: ^^^^Metric feet examples


I borrowed these from the internet because many of them I had never seen before today. Why education in this country fails: they only give you a sampling instead of the whole pie.






Note: I am not the source for this material. Found and lifted from the internet under: Names of Feet In Poetic Meter.




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