Analysis Of Super Powers That Rise And Fall

We are exhibiting the signs that Rome had - too thinly spread, like weak margerine on a big piece of toast. Eventually, the flavor dissolves and all that are left are the crumbs. I heard of a book's author who discussed empires and their fall and compared Britain to Rome. Empress of India. Was that a reference to Empire. How traumatic is it to lose a country that you exploit after using weapons to dominate the residents. Strutting around declaring we are "The Empire" had consequences, serious ones. Europe gave up Africa and now it wants it back, but no joy because they have no army, navy, airforce, or officers in those spiffy tilted tams on subway recruitment posters. North Korea got a head start on arming and now the great minds of the world are slowly turning to discussions about considering war machnes inside their nationalist borders. You can get the security system in place after the jewels are stollen or before, that is the question on the table. And, how do we get the american's to pay for it. Ha! We're broke. Thin elsewhere.


The lesson is, if you win freedom, you have to become an empire or face over-population and go to war to hold your territory and, being spread out with needs at home, such systems implode. Starvation is not a good way to run a country. Nuclear energy causes more problems than it solves, but powerful entities, corporations gone insane, governments misguided by idiots, make such decisions and the earth howls at the injustice. Deep in the oceans the problem will fester until it rises and a new world order arises. Deny evolution, if you must, but when the seas rise and the weather roasts millions of crops, you will have at least exercised your free will on everyone quite well. When mother nature moves, rightfully considered a ruthless female, watch out!


I consider the rise and fall of small Island nations or sea power nations that go inland instead of sticking to the supply routes of the Mediterranean and coastal waters. I think, the log jamb of overnight express trucks in New York might be a better problem to contemplate than whether the USA will topple. Isolation has it's rewards, they tell me. Send home the aliens, up up with white men, and take over the globe again with the most powerful military in history. Why not. We can not be defeated. Interstingly, we never take the lands we conquer or defeat. We rebuild their infrastructure and start trading with them. Go figure. Women just shake their heads. Half of France and most of Germany could be USA territory after WWI. Somebody blew it and WWII happened.


I want to rule the world, only nobody can because humans are involved. The lesson Hitler learned too late is that not everybody likes a bully. I have a theory. (Oh no, not a nother theory). USA can survive a world wide financial collapse because we have allowed our farms to dwindle and go fallow, using the breadbasket of South America to feed us over the past hundred and fifty years. When the bough breaks, we will still import coffee, but we will legalize weed, pot, and grass in all fifty states and start importing Hawaiian Delight to pay for the really big wall between us and coffee republics.


The media presented Mexico as the culprit, but most of the dreamers are from war ravaged countries, drought ravaged countries, hurricane or earthquake ravaged populations. Pssst, the pressure was off smaller nations that had fewer mouths to feed and citizens to employ and satiate politically and economically and socially. Sooooo, what happens when all those folks get sent back to their mother lands and the price of bananas plummets because of our sugar high. Chocolate will become the new cash crop perhaps. Cuba will thrive with having had the foresight to invest in sugar cane.


Empires, no matter how large or how tiny, sink because the national ego is bigger than the ability to administer to their colonies. USA colonies became the allies who let us police the world while they invested in their countries without the need for hugh military outlays. Then, unexpectedly, other means of domination stepped in, world banks, international expansion of megacorporations, and world monetary market speculation, but the same principle nibbles at the edges. Too thinly spread and then there is that human factor


Humans surprised Europe and Britain when Hitler's war machine toppled nations. It was really bad for a while, but slowly the world of other humans woke up. We keep waking up, that's why there is no one-world leader/dictator/tyrant ever, Kimmie. As a rule, we don't like too much the king or queen who declares themself gods over everyone. Systemic evolution and rise is allowed so long as church and state are kept separate. It's a rule.


I'm jus sayin.


Stella L. Crews





Author's Notes/Comments: 

Some jewish scholars are sitting at a computer thinking, "We are the experts on Hitler." Who is this upstart? :D

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