A new life

A new life

It was Day 1, since the disappearance of the human race on planet Earth and everyone in the animal kingdom was very confused. No one knew what to think or do since all humans had taken down most of the trees and plants, there was not much food resources left for the animals. Everyone was still hiding in their safe places since the moment humans started to vanish, until the wise owls decided to speak up and organize all the animals along the area in meetings to discuss how everyone should proceed. The owls knew that with no humans around, the machines they built and basically almost every human-made technology would start to bring problems to the animals so it was decided by the majority that since now it would be prohibited for any animal to be near any human city or small town, so they had to work with the little vegetation that was left in the forests.

Although almost everyone agreed, the owls knew there was still a problem to be solved; summer was coming and after many years of human activity there was less space for animals to live peacefully without big animals eating smaller ones so it was accorded to recollect whatever they found however they could, bees would pollinize in order to make honey for everyone, beavers would recollect wood to make small fires and keep everyone warm, birds would look for vast places with fruits and vegetables to get bigger animals to bring them back to the communities the owls were forming and so on, each animal was trying to help however they could. But they all had a little problem, the bears didn’t agree to eat fruits and vegetables for the rest of their lives so the owls banished them from the community and the bears were now a danger for everyone.

The bears were forced to look for food in human cities and towns. But eventually they ran out of supplies and the only option they had was to steal from the rest of the animals. Lions, tigers, bulls, rhinos and other big animals defended the communities and the bears couldn’t get any food. The bears were so hungry that they were desperate for anything they could get, so they changed their plan and instead of stealing food they started to attack the beehives.

No animal noticed this and they all thought the bears had given up but they were more organized than ever. The bears survived from the honey they stole for a couple of days but when they were finished with all the bees and their beehives the owls noticed and knew it was too late.

-You fools! –shouted an owl.

-You have damned us all! –added another owl.

-Now that there are no bees to pollinize flowers and plants, our only food left will start to perish. –explained an ancient owl.

-It is a matter of days until we all run out of food to survive – a hopeless deer lastly said.



The moral of the story is that team work is very important, if we are selfish and don’t support each other, it’s bad for everyone including ourselves. 

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